a year ago
Striving for the Impossible: Reasonable Crypto Debate
Debates in crypto are increasingly polarized and politicized, as a recent CoinDesk story about a controversial mining plant in New York shows.
Crypto in the U.S. is more polarized and politicized than ever.
Ironically, that’s a sign that the issues around this technology have become less of a fringe concern for ordinary Americans. With Florida governor Ron DeSantis signaling his fidelity to Bitcoin in his presidential candidacy launch and President Biden accusing Republicans of protecting “crypto traders'' during debt ceiling negotiations, crypto is garnering attention and, for that, is rewarded with the same divisive treatment as other mainstream topics. What should be a detached, technical discussion on the pros and cons of policy options is now laden with emotion and exaggeration, the upshot being that real public understanding of the technology’s promise and perils seems even less attainable.