a year ago
The dedollarisation process in the world is gaining more momentum through the development and introduction of new currencies of the emerging macro-regions.
At the BRICS summit in South Africa in August, the participating countries + a group of African countries will discuss the idea of creating a joint BRICS currency!
Here are some possible outcomes this could lead to:
🔹The dollar (and with it the Euro, British Pound, Yen, and other leading currencies of the world) are gradually losing their former influence in world finance.
🔹Dedollarised countries become more independent from the US and pursue more and more nationally oriented policies.
🔹Their economic power is growing and that's reflected in the value of their assets – stocks, real estate, etc.
🔹Their currency is strengthening (against the dollar).
🔹There are opposite processes happening in the USA, EU, UK and Japan.
It expands the range of long-term (5-10+ years) investment opportunities.
Especially attractive assets could be in countries where there has recently been (or going on right now) an economic crisis.
It will take years and will be met with active resistance from the U.S. and its allies in the receding global financial system.
But one way or another, sooner or later we will find ourselves in a new digital financial system, with developing countries taking the lead.💪
Which country are you from? Let me know in the comments! 👀👇