9 months ago
[Analysis] How the board rewards have changed since the last update
A couple of days ago, MAIN changed the methodology for distributing rewards across boards. Now, community rewards depend not only on board capitalization but also on its decentralization (which is also influenced by the amount of board’s burned coins).
I decided to gather data on all communities to see which boards ultimately benefited from the reward system change and which ones lost out.
In the table below, you'll find the 30d rewards for each board if the distribution system remained unchanged (Old Rewards), as well as the new reward amounts considering decentralization and burned coins (New Rewards). Additionally, you can see the percentage change in rewards for each board (Change), the number of burned coins (Burned Coins), and the average board rewards per active participant (Rewards per user).
1. Let's start by looking at the list of the 20 most capitalised communities on MAIN. As we can see, heavily centralized boards, where the creator owns a significant portion of the community's coins, experienced significant reductions in rewards. However, boards that burned a considerable number of coins managed to receive roughly the same or even higher rewards.
2. Which boards gained the most from the reward changes? Here's a list of 20 communities where rewards increased the most. As we can observe, a majority of these boards have a small capitalization and didn't burn their coins. Typically, these boards have a more decentralized structure of holders, granting them significantly higher rewards now and thus better chances for development and attracting new participants. Small boards are the primary beneficiaries of the reward changes.
3. Now, let's see the list of 20 boards that lost the most in rewards. As we can see, these are highly centralized boards, where a single holder owns a large portion of the coins.
4. Lastly, I'd like to share with you a list of communities with the highest rewards per active participant at the moment. As you can notice, not all boards on this list have a high capitalization. This means that on MAIN, everyone can find a board aligned with their interests (not necessarily the most popular and expensive one) and still receive similar rewards to those in popular boards with high competition.
5. And these are the top 20 boards with the most rewards.
You can find the complete list of boards and their rewards in this table. Feel free to make a copy to create your own board rankings.
And here's one more intriguing number for you. As of August 5, the total value of all burned coins in all boards amounts to 400,000 $MAIN. And something tells me that this is far from the limit!