a year ago
Earnpark Road Map🗾 🗺️🔥🚀🚀💯
This is a rough roadmap that describes the key blocks we plan to implement. You can influence the roadmap and request a feature in the Discord.
New coins and assets will be added based on the market maturity, and investment strategies will be developed for them.
Q1 '23
✓ Rebranding and new website
✓ ID Verification
✓ Referral Program
Q2 '23
✓ SEC registration
Staking strategy (ETH)
Localization V.1
✓Address book
Strategies with different risks and returns under the investor’s risk profile
Q3 '23
Index DeFi strategies
Swap V.1
Mobile app (iOS / Android) V.1
Transparency of strategies
Q4 '23
Simplified tax reporting V.1
Token and tokenomics
DeFi asset management (Onchain, Metamask)
Fiat gateway