a month ago
Greatness is Achievable by All
They say when life presents you with orange, make orange juice, with lemon make a lemonade.
Life always presents us with golden lemons and oranges daily but we have failed to make orange juice or lemonade.
-lack of knowing how
-emotionally unstable
-focusing on the wrong thing or lack of focus
-no vision
Look around you, look behind you, look beside you and look in front of you... What do you see? What do our hear? What do you do?
I see oranges, lemons, raw Gold's, uncut diamonds,...I see the world of opportunities to become great and so I channel my mind's, eyes, ears and hands to finding them, seeing them, doing them and living in them.
The universe will only favours you when you can make orange juice from the orange he gives you...maximise opportunities, focus on solutions and stop dwelling on problems, pains or sufferings. The goal, vision, dream is your focus.
If you do this, time will truly reveal your greatness.