a year ago
XRP Adoption in US Is What China Wants To Prevent, SEC Comes in Handy: Opinion
CEO of Reaper Financial blockchain company Patrick L. Riley has shared his take on the role of XRP in the unannounced economic rivalry between China and the USA, saying that the current Ripple-SEC lawsuit "isn't just a court case, it's a war."
"China wants to stop XRP adoption in US"
Riley tweeted that China has been manipulating Bitcoin for years and did not "sic its dogs" on the leading crypto, even though it has banned crypto trading and mining in the country. What China wanted indeed, he believes, is not to allow XRP adoption in the U.S. since it keeps America "from going under."
In this regard, he stated that the SEC lawsuit against Ripple Labs is "not just a court case, it's a war."
China didn't sic their dogs on #Bitcoin, they've been manipulating that for years. They needed to stop $XRP adoption in the U.S. because they know it keeps us from going under. This isn't just a court case, it's a war.@Ripple https://t.co/KjehW1Svy2
β€”β€”β€” PATRICK L. RILEY (@RealReaperCEO) January 6, 2023
The legal battle against Ripple was kicked off by the U.S. securities regulator in December 2020, and it still continues as the parties to this case keep scoring small victories against each other. The Ripple CEO and the XRP army hope that the case will be settled in 2023, Garlinghouse in particular believes that it may happen in the first quarter of it.
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