a year ago
I want to make an unusual thread and share what I think about Bitcoin's current growth and where it's going (in my opinion).
The growth has been driven by the big players buying.
Now it's over, and everything depends on retail investors – if they'll buy as they did at 28.8K, the price will continue to rise.πŸ“ˆ
The positions of the big players are gained, and during July there might be an advance into a new higher range. I expect June to end not lower than 27K, and in July I expect the price to go up to 35K.
There is a 90% chance we will move into the 38-45K range in the Q3.
Unpopular opinion, as many are averaging shorts and seeing the correction target to 18-20K, but it's what I think. πŸ™‚
Am I right? We'll see soon.πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
I'd just like to remind you that the market is not evolving and changing by itself – there are different players in it, each with their own goals and tactics.