a year ago
Names of non-US FTX users claimed by mainstream media
Several mainstream media outlets are attempting to disclose the personal information of non-US clients of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange, similar to the events that took place during the Celsius bankruptcy case. In an April 4 filing in Bloomberg's Delaware Bankruptcy Court, The New York Times, The Financial Times, and parent company Dow Jones & Company collectively objected to the withholding of FTX customer identities. According to their arguments, the public and the press have a "presumptive right" to access bankruptcy documents. FTX and its clients have not, in the opinion of media organizations, provided a satisfactory reason for hiding the identity of non-US clients. However, FTX debtors are allowed to demand the removal of creditor names from bankruptcy filings, but the media claims
Instead of focusing on FTX users maybe they should focus more on politicians who all got funding from FTX and then apologized on behalf of SBF when things went wrong 🤔
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