2 years ago
Global Bitcoin adoption will hit 10% by 2030, say analysts
I think it will get there even earlier, but let’s see
The first cryptocurrency most likely will surpass the rate of adoption of previous innovative tech. Analysts from Blockware Intelligence project that Bitcoin will hit 10% at the worldwide adoption graph by 2030.
Researchers have investigated historical adoption curves of cars, electricity, internet and social media. And compared them to the graph of Bitcoin adoption since 2009. Here’s what Blockware Intelligence analysts have to say:
“Societal adoption of disruptive technologies is never a linear process—it has always followed an exponential S-Curve pattern. Bitcoin is a disruptive technology network that is quantifiably still in its early stages of adoption. In addition to examining the most pertinent Bitcoin user growth data and its historical relation to Bitcoin price, this report proposes a conceptual framework for forecasting future Bitcoin adoption in the context of past disruptive technology adoption cycles.”
While deciding on the date of Bitcoin hitting 10% global adoption rate, the researchers used the Cumulative Net Entities Growth metric. They also projected that Bitcoin’s projected annual growth rate will be at 60%. The analysts explain that this growth rate is due to the current macroeconomic situation, the availability of the Internet and the possibility of making quick profits.
“From a consumer perspective, past technologies had convenience/efficiency related incentives to adopt them: adopting automobiles allowed you to zoom past the horse and buggy, adopting the cell phone allowed you to make calls without being tied to a landline, adopting the internet allowed you to expand the reach of your business far beyond what any analog marketing was capable of etc. However, it is difficult to measure the direct monetary value gained by being an early consumer of some of these technologies. With Bitcoin, direct financially incentivized adoption creates a game theory in which everyone’s best response is to adopt Bitcoin,” explained the researchers.
With all that said, the analysts underlined that this study is not dedicated to analyzing Bitcoin as a financial asset. It is instead focused on how the influence of the first cryptocurrency is going to spread further in this decade. But I say, one is closely tied to another. You see, the more people use Bitcoin or other crypto, the more valuable it becomes.
Blockware Intelligence is not the only agency to predict mass Bitcoin adoption in the upcoming years. For example, Bloomberg strategist Mike McGlone projected that cryptocurrencies will become adopted in the US by the end of this year. According to him, the Fed will facilitate this process. 
But there are others, who still don’t believe that Bitcoin adoption will happen anytime soon. Wells Fargo analysts said that the first cryptocurrency had not yet passed the “inflection point”, after which the explosive mass adoption of innovations began.