a year ago
Modder has seriously improved the graphics of Dark Souls II. I had to rewrite the engine
Dark Souls II rightfully has the status of the strangest installation in the series: players either adore it or despise it. The gamer with the nickname Ganaboy definitely belongs to the first category, because he seriously finalized the graphics on his own, making changes at the engine level.
The DS2 Lighting Engine modification pumps up the graphics in the game - mainly due to the operation of light. To improve the lighting, the player had to properly dip in the engine and rewrite it a little.
As a result, Dark Souls II introduced volumetric rays, global shading, a new shading model and other technical improvements inherent in modern titles. Each location has its own presets with dynamically changing settings - for the end user, this means that the game will always look good. You can evaluate the modernized graphics in the video above.
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