2 years ago
Chicken with broccoli and carrots stewed in cream
This delicious and healthy dish is perfect for lunch or dinner.
- chicken fillet - 300 gr
- carrots - 120 gr
- broccoli (you can take frozen) - 300 gr
- cream 10% fat - 120 gr
- light cottage cheese or cream cheese - 1 tbsp. (15-20 gr)
- soy sauce - 1 tbsp.
- balsamic vinegar (white) - 1 tbsp.
- garlic - 1-2 cloves
- seasoning "Italian herbs", salt, pepper - to taste
1) My chicken fillet, cut into cubes. We prepare the marinade for chicken (so that the fillet is soft and tender): mix soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, squeezed or finely chopped garlic, dried herbs, ground pepper. Marinate the chicken in this mixture for 20-30 minutes.
2) While the fillet is marinating with mine and cleaning the carrots, we rub it on a coarse grater. Broccoli (thawed in advance) is divided into medium-sized inflorescences, salt to taste.
3) Put the chicken on a preheated pan (without oil) and simmer under the lid, stirring occasionally for 5 minutes. Add carrots, simmer over medium heat for another 3-4 minutes, then add broccoli, stir, cover and leave for another 5-7 minutes.
4) Mix the cream with cottage cheese or cream cheese and pour it into the chicken and vegetables, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes.
When serving, you can sprinkle with fresh herbs or grated cheese.
Bon Appetit!