2 years ago
Why So Many Junk Posts We Seen On MAIN? #2
See this screenshot, MAIN task is the is the main cause of junk post in this platform.
Posting, commenting, liking and login will increase our fame and tokens, but should be done every day. If we don't, the point chart will decrease and disappear.
Posts—to keep their point chart full, they will do anything for. In one case, they post all of stuff that has nothing to do with the boards they follow just to get fame and tokens if someone up votes them.
Like—MAIN users want to increase their fame and tokens by liking other user's posts, so they like every post (only new posts within an hour to increase their fame) even they don't know about the ecency of other users post. Imagine if someone joining up to 100 boards and posting 6-10 times a day just to chase fame and coins. How many junk posts are available on MAIN if all of users do that things?
They don't care about the quality of the posts, just the quantity. It's all about keeping the task chart full until they get the bonus tokens.
Did the developers think about these consequences or side effects before creating MAIN?
Why didn't MAIN allow activity points to be permanent? In this case, if they still go like this, will be very unfavorable.
You can read my old post about junk posts on MAIN—Why So Many Junk Posts We Seen On MAIN?