a year ago
With update comes and change 😼
📎So, this month some serious changes were made in our community , the first one kind of affected our board in terms of monthly income of the participants, the second one gave us a second wind...😌
📎I start with the most important, now, any desire can post on our board, we are again open to new people🔓 and it is not necessary to invest to see you🥰💜
📎Two, the board administrator(@Denciu), did not stay a part of the update , thus yesterday 26 board coins were burned amounting to more than 30,000 tokens...I think it's a serious sacrifice made by her🥲
📎Thus, the income of the board increased by *2 or from 1560 to 3648 per month, which cannot but make us happy 🥳
📎Another change, brought now recently, is the possibility to set the limit of coins needed to receive income, without the board being closed type.
More details HERE.
📎As of today anyone who wants to be rewarded must have more than 0.5 board coins, and yet anyone who wants to post, can post (subject to board rules of course)✨
Original and beautiful pictures will be appreciated 🚀🔥
📎Those who were just for the reward, investing 5 tokens each and stealing the board income, now you are free.⛩️🐑
📎And you know, we are the ones who make the community beautiful 🙃
📎That's all I had to say, have a nice day, and welcome to our board, with love the moderator of the b/your_face board, @LiMooN4iQ 💜