9 months ago
A delicious ice cream cone of chocolatey delight #leonardo.ai
Prompt: masterpiece, artwork, best promotional photo, best advertising banner, art, food, top view, tasty icecream, nuts explosion, highly stylized, ((4k, unreal engine 5 render, food art, food photography, realistic render)), smoke, mist, ((dramatic lighting, cinematic lighting, rule of thirds, depth of field, cinematic bloom)), art by fodm4st3r, color correction, light correction, ((midjourney style)), red fog, blue fog, green fog, orange fog, pink fog
Negative: jpg artefacts, unrealistic, broken forms, text, symbols, table, fresh fish
Model: DreamShaper v7
Style: Leonardo Style
Promt Magic (v.2): On
Prompt Magic Strength: 0.4
High Contrast: On
Alchemy: No
Guidance Scale: 15
ControlNet: No
Tiling: No