2 years ago
5 things that get in the way of evangelism
Why do we sometimes miss the chance to tell someone about Jesus? What brings us down or distracts us?
We have identified 5 things that hinder your daily evangelism! And they offered solutions
1. Selfishness 👤
Sometimes we become so obsessed with ourselves that we don't notice how the world around us needs Christ.
Solution: evangelism helps you get out from under the "cap", switch the focus from yourself, which brings renewal in your relationship with God.
2. Underestimating the Good News 📖
Are you afraid that the Gospel is unlikely to be as necessary and interesting to someone as you are? Does everyone seem self-sufficient and happy?
Solution: no matter how it seems on the outside, everyone wants love and acceptance. Jesus is the source of true love, so don't doubt the value of His message.
3. Fear of rejection 🙁
You are afraid that your friends will stop talking to you after talking about Jesus.
Solution: This is often not the case, and even if they drop the conversation about faith to no, you will remain friends, and through the relationship you can serve them further.
4. Fear of making a mistake 😓
You are afraid that you will be asked some question to which you do not know the correct answer.
Solution: Telling how Jesus changed your life is stronger than a hundred theologically correct answers. Share your story!
5. Guilt 🥺
You may reproach yourself for some sin that robs you of the courage to preach the gospel.
Solution: if you have sinned, repent and ask God to help you overcome it, but continue to preach the gospel. Friends, seeing real challenges and answers from God in your life, will take the gospel closer.
Think about who you would like to tell about Jesus today, and do it!
❗️What prevents you from preaching the gospel?
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