2 years ago
Trust Wallet now considers High Risk (Very Risky) transaction to buy bord coins in Main
Apparently, there was an update of Trust Wallet recently which added a new feature such as "Address Analysis" which you try to perform a transaction or sign up for
They probably came up with it to stop the deer, but the most interesting thing is that the purchase of coins of our boards in Main is now calculated as a High Risk transaction ... 🤷
> 🟢 This all looks something like this:
For old users of course does not play a role, but for new users just frightening big sign STOP in the middle of the street when you try to invest))
In general, what do you think, what is it about? Maybe someone knows how the wallet system is set up, since it recognizes board coins as - very risky? To the Main token itself there is no such notification. 🧐