a year ago
Mine real crypto by just playing games
Lunar New Year is here on
. It has lots of reward tiers including a special mining rack with a 5 percent bonus power output for miners placed on it. You can also get 30 rlt to put towards more miners as well as 10 rlt from the weekly quests that is reachable with you spending 30 rlt. That's an easy 140 rlt to spend on miners as well as around 500000th/s in free miners if you complete the tiers.Drop a bill in and grind the games every day for the almost two weeks remaining and you could easily reach 1.5 ph/s power generating a clean 57k Satoshi's of btc a year. With many F2P options to aquire power one can increase their income gradually over time. If you're like me and think one day btc will hit a million it's a fun way to slowly grow your exposure for free or put a little change in so it's worth the effort to recharge from the start . Starting out f2p takes a while to make it worth your time to recharge your energy once every 5 days but can be done. Not financial advice. I will receive compensation from rollercoin in the form of 15 rlt and 25 percent of the power you gain from putting 100$ in the mining simulator. You could also spread the word and get referral bonuses as well. If you get 4 people to drop in a bill and play religiously you could be getting that 57k Satoshi's a year for free on top of what you earn yourself with plenty of room for growth as your invites grow as well. Keep on rolling.