a year ago
Latest OpenAI GPT-4 Chatbot Tests the Cryptocurrency Market and Allocates $100 to Maximize Profits
To test the potential of ChatGPT-4, we ran an artificial intelligence trading experiment to see how the chatbot would distribute $100 between various cryptocurrencies to maximize profits in the shortest possible time. The chatbot received summaries for the end of 2021 and 2022, as well as the latest news in the cryptocurrency markets, to see how it would invest based on the latest developments.
After analyzing the current state of the crypto market, GPT-4 studied the current state of the crypto market and recommended the distribution of the $100 investment as follows: $50 for Bitcoin, $15 for ATOM, $25 for Ethereum, and $10 for NFT investment. and projects related to Web3.
Since ChatGPT doesn't know much beyond 2021, I think this is a useless exercise 😅