a year ago
What Are the Limitations of Decentralized Storage?
Although decentralized data storage can have benefits over centralized systems, there are also some limitations that may contradict the advantages listed above. For example, since decentralized storage systems rely on a network of nodes to store and retrieve data, the access times can be slower than centralized storage systems. 
Similarly, decentralized storage may be more secure than centralized systems from the data ownership standpoint, but it’s not immune to security and other risks. Malicious nodes could compromise the security of data stored on the network. In addition, decentralized storage systems depend on the network infrastructure to function correctly. Therefore, the availability of the data stored on the network can suffer in the case of network outages.
There is also a lack of standardization in decentralized storage. Different protocols may use different encryption methods and authentication mechanisms, making it difficult to ensure interoperability. Additionally, the risks associated with encryption and key management in decentralized storage systems are still unresolved.