2 года назад
Cases of cryptocurrency fraud in 2022 increased by 183%
According to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, the number of fraudulent activities in the field of cryptocurrencies increased by 183% in 2022 and reached $2.57 billion, while in 2021 this figure was equal to $907 million. The FBI report is based on information received from the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). In general, the volume of complaints about fraud in the field of financial investments increased by 127% from $1.45 billion in 2021 to $3.31 billion in 2022, while in 2021 cryptocurrency fraud amounted to $907 million.
The FBI also reported that the most common cryptocurrency scams are the extraction of liquidity, hacking of social media accounts and fraudulent actions on behalf of celebrities and employees of real estate and employment companies. The FBI estimates that criminals located abroad defrauded their victims of more than $2 billion last year.
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