a year ago
DeepFake Ai review: bridging deepfakes, AI and blockchain
Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are now more potent and readily available as they evolve, causing disruption in various industries, and adding value
The project combines blockchain and AI to create a platform for users to generate deepfakes. By including their native currency, FakeAI, investors and early participants may also explore emerging opportunities.
This article examines the DeepFake Ai project, covering its features, payment options, native token, and why enthusiasts are increasingly analyzing the platform.
History and background
In 2017, researchers at the University of Washington coined the term “deep fake” to describe a new kind of AI that produces convincing videos of people saying or doing things they never actually did.
In 2023, DeepFake Ai was launched by its founders, known only by their aliases Feeno0 and Kaiser 938. The project also introduced the FakeAI token to make the tool accessible and legitimize its use.