4 months ago
Insider: More Xbox exclusives will be released on PlayStation, including the biggest ones
Windows Central editor Jez Corden shared behind-the-scenes details of the multi-platform strategy recently adopted by Xbox in a recent article about the state of Microsoft's affairs.
Let us remember that in February Microsoft announced plans to release four exclusives of its ecosystem ( Hi-Fi Rush , Pentiment , Sea of ​​Thieves , Grounded) on PS5 and Nintendo Switch and admitted that this is not the end.
The strategy has already borne fruit - in an April financial report, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella boasted that Xbox had more bestsellers in the PS Store than any other publisher.
According to Corden, the plan to bring Xbox games to other platforms is code-named Latitude and stems from Nadella and CFO Amy Hood's desire to improve the profitability of each division.
While there is growing concern among employees and debate about whether this is a good idea or not, Microsoft management is allegedly promoting the idea that there are no untouchable games - anything can be ported.
Corden said there are “obvious” new Xbox projects already being prepared for release on PlayStation . Eurogamer adds : "[porting] a number of games are being discussed, including from the company's biggest franchises . "
According to Corden, the release of Halo Infinite on PlayStation will clearly lead to increased profits, but in the long run it will work against Microsoft - the reason to buy Xbox consoles will simply disappear.