Claim SOL !
*** How does it work?
** Closing SPL Token Accounts
Everytime you receive a NFT in your wallet a specific token account is created for it.
When you send or sell that NFT to someone else, the token account has 0 units of the NFT but still lingers in your wallet with no utility.
To create each and single one of those accounts someone paid ~0.002 SOL for rent that is withheld by Solana Network forever, unless you do something about it!
** Claim Your SOL
All tokens accounts selected already have 0 NFTs or Tokens assigned to them and have no use, feel secure in pressing Claim All and signing the transactions to close them and receive the locked sol.
The selected token accounts are closed, and the released rent deposits are sent to you. A small portion of it is included as a donation to support the maintenance and development of this site.