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b/nfts 8 months ago
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b/meme 2 years ago
🤣🤣Nigga is just doing their part of the friendship😅
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u/ElGerrio 2 years ago
@zoffy2022, ok join and start earning through watching videos.
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u/ElGerrio 2 years ago
@MorganB, join the link and watch a few videos than I will see what I can do to contribute into helping these new traders.
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b/nfts 2 years ago
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b/airdropalert 2 years ago
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b/meme 2 years ago
@bamlat, it ain't misinterpretation😅 it is what you think🤣
A little magic today🥰🍁🍂
b/beautiful 2 years ago
Beautiful indeed👌
Feel perfection😌🧘
b/beautiful 2 years ago
@LiMooN4iQ, yeah😂
Feel perfection😌🧘
b/beautiful 2 years ago
@LiMooN4iQ, maybe 🤔 or I just need to listen to volcanic eruptions😄
Feel perfection😌🧘
b/beautiful 2 years ago
Tried listening to waterfall videos to 😴 but they just wouldn't work🤣
Nature is very beautiful
b/bird 2 years ago
It is indeed👌
New Artwork
u/Twinktrin 2 years ago
I never understood art but one once said an art piece always has a story behind, giving me the urge to ❤️ it
20Yes, This Is Dog
b/meme 2 years ago
Woof woof😆😆😆
literally all weekend
b/meme 2 years ago
Cashier: is that all sir? Me: yes yes that all is😰
She sewing at 160fps
b/meme 2 years ago
She be sewing with 0 pings🤣