89.1K fame
What do you think has been your luckiest moment so far?
b/questions 6 hours ago
For me, luckily my parents, despite their old age, are still very healthy.
What is the weather like where you are today?
b/questions a day ago
It's raining where I am. I don't like rain because it's dirty.
What makes you feel the saddest today?
b/questions 2 days ago
Today our country lost an excellent leader. 🥲🥲🥲
Do you like to eat at a restaurant or at home at noon?
b/questions 3 days ago
I eat lunch at home, because time is short, I rarely eat at restaurants at noon
Hy sinh vì nghệ thuật
b/typhucrypto 4 days ago
Muỗi cắn 😜😜😜
Where is your favorite tourist destination in the summer?
b/questions 4 days ago
I like going to the beach, because I like eating seafood there
Who do you owe the most in this life?
b/questions 5 days ago
In this life, the people I owe the most are my parents
What do you usually do on weekends?
b/questions 6 days ago
tôi thường dậy trẻ hơn và về quê thăm bố mẹ tôi
What do you want for yourself and your partner?
b/questions 7 days ago
I hope we have a common voice throughout the journey
Do you like a cup of coffee every morning? Why?
b/questions 8 days ago
Oh of course I like it, because it helps me stay more alert when working
What do you often do to resolve family conflicts?
b/questions 9 days ago
Conflicts in the family are inevitable. At that time, I am usually calmer than my wife. To overcome my anger, I will sit and talk with her.
Do you like to eat fruit directly or drink fruit juice?
b/questions 10 days ago
I like to eat fruit directly, because it will have fiber that is good for digestion
Where do you often travel in the summer? Why?
b/questions 11 days ago
I often go to the beach in the summer, because I like the evening atmosphere at the beach and the seafood is also very delicious
Showing off my nephew's new car
b/boast 12 days ago
@Bandit7, thanks😘😘😘
Do you think you will constantly own expensive phones?
b/questions 12 days ago
I will not own those products, because they do not help my life much
What policy do you like best in your country, and why?
b/questions 13 days ago
I like the social security policy in my country, because it helps people work less hard
Which sport do you love the most? Why?
b/questions 14 days ago
My favorite sport is badminton, because I am simply passionate about it
What makes you feel happier: equal sharing or sacrifice and giving in for each other?
b/questions 15 days ago
Sharing will make us feel happier
How much time do you spend each day exercising?
b/questions 16 days ago
I usually spend at least an hour a day exercising
If you had the chance to choose, would you still love her?
b/questions 17 days ago
I still choose her, because she understands me very well
Introducing the new member of the family, his name is SAM
b/catlovers 18 days ago
@LiMooN4iQ, CHIP hasn't arrived yet, hopefully CHIP has a new owner
What is your first impression of your girlfriend?
b/questions 18 days ago
The first impression of my girlfriend is her cheerful and sociable personality
In your opinion, how does tourism have a negative impact on the environment?
b/questions 19 days ago
Tourism activities will converge many factors that affect the environment, most of which are human consciousness
Would you break your rules to keep the one you love?
b/questions 20 days ago
Tôi nghĩ rằng, việc tìm được một người mình yêu thương rất khó, nên tôi sẽ phá vỡ những nguyên tắc nhỏ để giữ lấy người bạn đó
What makes you need to get it done during the day?
b/questions 21 days ago
For me, exercising or exercising is something I need to complete during the day
What is your definition of freedom?
b/questions 22 days ago
In my opinion, freedom is what we all want. freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of business and freedom in life...
I hope CHIP will be safe, I haven't seen you home in 3 nights. 😭😭😭
b/catlovers 23 days ago
Hope he will be at peace with another family
I hope CHIP will be safe, I haven't seen you home in 3 nights. 😭😭😭
b/catlovers 23 days ago
That never happened, I searched all over the neighborhood but couldn't find it.
In your opinion, would the world be better or worse without competition?
b/questions 23 days ago
I think the world will be better when there is healthy competition
Right now I'm watching football at the café
b/rightnow 24 days ago
Would you choose a concert or a movie at the theater? Why?
b/questions 24 days ago
I will choose a movie screening in a theater, because I am not knowledgeable about chamber music
CHIP left home for 2 days and hasn’t returned 🥲🥲🥲
b/catlovers 25 days ago
@LiMooN4iQ, CHIP escaped from the cage and has not been found🥲🥲🥲
Which euro football match did you watch today?
b/questions 25 days ago
I watched the match between Portugal and Slovenia, because my idol is Ronaldo
Which team do you think will win the Euro in 2024?
b/questions a month ago
I think the brightest candidate for this year's Euro championship is the Spanish team
What do you usually eat on weekend mornings?
b/questions a month ago
On weekends, I usually get up later and I like to eat beef pho on weekends
Today is the weekend, do you and your family have plans to go anywhere?
b/questions a month ago
It's summer vacation, so I took my children to visit their grandparents
We met by accident 😄😄😄
b/catlovers a month ago
@LiMooN4iQ, yeah 😘😘😘
#FireFriday #6 🔥 🤩
b/catlovers a month ago
Right now I'm having breakfast with my daughter
b/rightnow a month ago
Dễ thương thế 😍
If you knew you would die tomorrow, what would you want to do today?
b/questions a month ago
I will see my loved ones again and eat my favorite foods.