What if the moderators are ineffective?

First of all, keep in mind that the board moderators are free to manage their boards the way they want, as long as it does not contradict the MAIN rules or the interests of all board members.

If you have any issues with the moderator or the way a board is working, first of all, please try to contact the moderator and discuss this problem. Perhaps this is just some kind of misunderstanding or mistake. If you think that the moderators violate the platform rules or act contrary to the interests of the board members, you can report in on b/moderators or to the board itself and tag all the coin holders of the board. Perhaps they will notice the problem and take action or change the board administrator.

In the case when moderators have lost contact with their board, you can become the administrator of the board yourself through the voting procedure.

If the board moderators still think that your posts do not fit their board, then you can always create your own board and manage it the way you want.

You can apply to create a board here.